Monday, February 4, 2008

When we Worship

      Ever wonder what we are supposed to do when we come to worship? Solomon has a suggestion.  

      "As you enter the house of God, keep your ears open and your mouth shut. It is evil to make mindless offerings to God." (Eccl. 5:1)

     "Keep your ears open and your mouth shut." Ouch! Sounds a little harsh, doesn't it? Particularly in our day of demanding our way in worship and demanding that we be allowed to express ourselves when we worship. Not very appealing to those who feel entitled to have things go and done our way . . . not only in worship but pretty much in
everything we do.

      Though the instruction may be difficult for some to swallow, it is certainly worth pondering. What if this became our initial attitude when we enter into a time of worship? What if we walked into the assembly hall next Sunday with this attitude? "Today I am going to keep my ears open and my mouth shut. I don't want to make any mindless offerings to God." What would be different?

      Obviously the singing would be different. Perhaps that is part of what the wise man had in mind when he said, "It is evil to make mindless offerings to God." I wonder how many times I have sung the words, "I surrender all" or, "I am mine no more" or, "Lord, take control" as mindless offerings to God? If we collectively chose to commit to enter the house of God with our ears open and our mouths shut, it might cause us to change some of our song selections altogether.

      A commitment to "keep my ears open and my mouth shut" would certainly demand that the words I speak would change. There would surely fewer "Tom thinks" and fewer "My opinions." Instead there would be more "The Lord says . . . " and "The Word of God says . . . " and "God says." That would change my preaching. That would change the commentary I offer.

      A commitment to "keep my ears open and my mouth shut" might produce a more reflective mood. Listen more. Talk less. Ears open. Mouth closed. More of God; less of me. Maybe that's what the wise man had in mind when he said, "Much dreaming and many words are meaningless. Therefore stand in awe of God." (Eccl. 5:7)

      Maybe that's what the prophet had in mind when he said, "But the Lord is in his holy Temple. Let all the earth be silent before him." (Hab. 2:20)

      Here's a challenge for this week. In your private devotions, "Keep your ears open and your mouth shut." In your small worship gatherings, "Keep your ears open and your mouth shut." In your assembly next week, "Keep your ears open and your mouth shut." In all these settings, "Stand in awe of God." That will probably make the first part easier.


By Tom

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