Monday, January 14, 2008


Bible Says: Exodus 13:1,2
      "1 Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, 2 “Sanctify to Me every firstborn, the first offspring of every womb among the sons of Israel, both of man and beast; it belongs to Me.”

Make GOD your priority for he has made "YOU" HIS MOST WANTED.
you read the bible Exodus 13: 1-16

Sanctify ...
The first born time of the day to GOD
The first born desire of your mind to GOD
The first born sight of your eyes to GOD
The first born listening of your ears to GOD
The First born love of your heart to GOD
The first born activity of your hands to GOD
The first born walk of your feet to GOD

     My dear brother & sister, father, mother,you feel relationship is more important in this country you are right. But Today i ask one question do you have relation with god. or if you don't have relation with god i tel you onething those are reading this message please close your eyes one minute ask god i am a sinner person heal me and touch me and answer me my prayer. He definetly listen your prayer and his answer you prayer. Because you & me are his property.

Bible says Exodus 13: 17-22 
      God led the people around by the way of the wilderness to the Red Sea. In the same way God leads you & your family.

Scripture Study: Nehemiah 2:20, Ruth 4:6, Deuteronomy 24:4,7, Isaiah 44:24

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Strength Made Perfect

Bible Says: II Corinthians 12:9
      "My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me."

      When you run into an impossible situation, a situation you simply don't have the strength or the ability to handle, are you often tempted to simply give up and accept defeat? Don't! Instead shout, "Glory!" because the Word says God's strength is about to be made perfect in you. The word translated "strength" in this scripture is dunamis. It means "God's miracle-working power." Just think about that. When your human strength ends, God has promised that His miraculous power will bring you through!

      If you'll look in Acts 14, you can see that promise in action. The apostle Paul was stoned by a group of Jews, taken out of the city and left for dead. Paul's human strength had ended. He was absolutely powerless.

      But the disciples gathered around him and prayed, and the Lord raised him up and he went on his way. In other words, when Paul didn't have enough human strength to overcome, God's miracle-working power was sufficient for him. It enabled him to be an overcomer in spite of his weakness!

      So, if you are facing a crisis today. If you're sick and medicine has failed you. If your finances are out of control. If your family is falling apart. If bad habits have you hopelessly bound. If you've done absolutely all you know to do and you still haven't gotten results. Then rejoice! For when human strength ends, the power of God excels! Only believe! God's grace is sufficient for you!

Scripture Study: Acts 14:1-22

Friday, January 11, 2008


      Recently a leading neuro-surgeon discovered that the speech centre in the brain hastotal control over all other nerves. Though it is a new discovery in neurology this factwas written in the Bible thousands of years ago.
      St. James, the "divine neurologist," says, "The tongue is a little member, and boastethgreat things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth! And the tongue is a fire, aworld of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body,and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell… The tongue can noman tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison" (James 3:5-8). This amazing discovery made by James was but a supernatural revelation from God.
      It is estimated that every human being has about a hundred million neurons or nervecells in his body and that each neuron can contain about 5 billion (five thousandmillion) bits of information! Is it not wonderful (perhaps shocking to some of us) todiscover that our tongue virtually has total control over these hundred million neuronsin our body! Imagine having a hundred million faithful agents carry out the orders ofthe "big boss," Mr. Tongue all 24 hours of the day !
      Dear reader, if you will consider this blessed truth based on the Word of God, it canreally change your life. This truth ("a great discovery" for modern neurologists), isclearly stated even in the Old Testament; and mankind, as a whole, has been greatlybenefited by it. So be careful about the use of your tongue.
      If your tongue says, "I am very weak," immediately instruction from the Speech Centregoes to all the nerves: "Be prepared to be weak. We have orders from the Headquartersto become weak." Instantly your whole body feels a tendency to relax, to go to bed, etc.You don't seem to have energy to do any work.
      Similarly, when you say, "Mr. A is a very bad fellow," straightaway all your nerve cells(remember, there are about a hundred million), accept it as a fact and adjustthemselves to that. Afterwards, if someone tells you that Mr. A is a very good man, allyour nerves immediately get irritated and upset. On the other hand, in case you hearsomeone say, "Mr. A is a very bad man," you feel very happy and may say, "Yes, yes, Iknow it very well. You are right; I quite agree with you." Perhaps you do not realizethat all your nerve cells are so obedient to your tongue, that, even if others see athousand good things in that person, YOU CANNOT FIND ANY GOOD THING IN HIM. The simple reason is that you have already instructed your 100 million nervesaccordingly!
      Dear reader, OUR WORDS CAN BETRAY US OR BLESS US. "Thou art snared with thewords of thy mouth" (Prov 6:2). "Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment" (Matt 12:36). It has been rightly said, "The greatest point of danger in the world is the tip of the tongue." One saint says, "Thetongue is a fire; that is why the all-wise God placed it in the water in the mouth."
Taken from MORNING MANNA - Thoughts for Daily Devotion

If Satan Can't Steal Your Joy

      Today the Lord has been speaking to me about joy. He said "If Satan can't steal your joy, he can't keep your goods." Does that sound familiar? I heard a message on this thirty something years ago by Dr Jerry Savelle of Crowley, Texas. It made a big impression on my life. I have given away many of His books by that title. I had not thought about it in a long time. Back when I first heard this message was a time when God was teaching me who I am in Him and the authority that He has given to me and to you and to all His kids.

      I fought a battle for years with depression. The Lord taught me how to choose His joy daily according to what the Word promises me and not what the circumstances tell me. Those days when I first battled with depression, I was to pick out several promises in the word of God and meditate on them continually. Read Phil 4:8, you'll see what I mean. It is what you allow your mind to dwell on that will create your actions. Make yourself dwell on the Word of God, and the Word of God will become your actions.

      If I have learned anything over the past 35 years, it would be that the devil is always TRYING to steal your joy so you will let go of your goods. Satan does not have any authority. Jesus bought it back when He spent three days in hell and became the victor over hell and the grave. We have the authority here on earth.

      In (Genesis 1:26) the Word says and God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. We are created in the image of God and he gave the earth to us with dominion over every thing. Satan lost his dominion when Jesus died on the cross for our sins.

      Our joy cannot be determined by what is going on all around us in the world. It has to be determined by the promises of God. I am not just happy on the days that something is manifested into my life and then unhappy all the other days. I am happy because of my relationship with the Father and because of His promises to me. I know that the things that are happening in the natural today are subject to change. They are temporal or temporary. The answer is already on the way. Didn't you ask God already? Stand on His promises. It is the only way.

      I may not have the money for a bill today, but I trust God. He will provide it according to His Word. He always has. I may not feel healed in my body, but I have joy because I know that it is promised to me. You take your joy from knowing that God is doing something according to His promises. You don't always know His timing, but it always comes.

      When you wake up in the morning, you decide whether you are going to be happy or not. It is your choice. It is a continual choice you have to make. When that wild driver runs up behind you, you have to choose your reaction. When that child disobeys you one more time, you have to choose your reaction. When the washing machine breaks down again, you have to choose your reaction. Give it to God. Ask Him for the need and leave it there. Thank Him for it. Take joy in knowing that it is on the way.

      (Deuteronomy 30:19) I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life that both thou and thy seed may live: (Nehemiah 8:10) for the joy of the LORD is your strength. The joy of the Lord brings strength into your life. If do not choose joy the lack of it weakens you. You become vulnerable.

      Did you know that a lack of joy will open the door for the enemy to keep whatever it is he is trying to talk you out of. Joy is your strength. No joy.No strength. So, don't let the devil steal your joy and he can't keep your goods. Whatever they are. Remember the story about binding the strongman. If a man hears a burglar one day and runs down to the basement to work out on the exercise equipment, he has it all wrong. He should already be working out on the exercise equipment. When the burglar shows up then, he will already have his muscles built up.

      We need to practice joy. When the challenges show up, you will already have your muscles built up.
Scripture study: I Timothy: 1:15

Care Under Fire

Bible Says:- Mark: 1:13
      Jesus was in the desert 40 days. He was there with the wild animals. While Jesus was in the desert, he was tempted by Satan (the devil). Then angels came and helped Jesus.

      When you feel alone, abandoned, and under attack, where do you turn for help? Jesus trusted in his relationship with his Father. He was being led by the Spirit. However, this passage reminds us of a truth we often forget: God does send his angels to help his faithful servants in timesof trial. Jesus faced Satan in the wilderness and among the wild animals, but he was not alone. Angels attended to him. Do you believe God will bless you with the same support?


      Father, I thank you that as your child, I will never have to face mytimes of temptation and trial alone. I thank you for your Holy Spirit that lives in me. Although I may not see them, I thank you for the angles I trust are sent to assist me. Most of all, dear God, I reply upon your promise to never abandon me. Please give me the faith to believe that I am never alone or abandoned as your child. In Jesus'name I pray. Amen.

Scripture study:- Psalms: 3:14

Let the World Know

Bible Says: John 17: 20,22-23
      "Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word. ...that they may be one, even as we are one: I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me."

      Over the years the Church has come up with all kinds of elaborate ways to evangelize the world. We get together and map out plans and strategies and raise money for it. But through it all, we rarely mention the plan that Jesus gave us.
      Most believers don't even realize that He gave us the key to winning the world, but He did. He prayed about it right before He went to the Cross. He asked the Father to bring us into a place of such oneness with each other and with Him that the world would know that He had been sent from God.
      If you and I and all the rest of the Body of Christ would get together and start loving each other, we'd evangelize the world so fast it would make your head swim. It's true. But until recently, we've been too busy scrapping with one another and getting our feelings hurt to give it much thought.

      But, praise God, it's beginning to dawn on some folks now that we need to stop that stuff. We need to start treating Jesus' command that we love one another as a command instead of an alternative. We need to drop our silly arguments and be unified by the Spirit of God.
      Do you want to take a step toward evangelizing the world today? Then start praying for oneness. Make up your mind that you're going to start loving your fellow believers instead of criticizing, complaining, and talking ugly about them.

      Start confessing that the Church of God is going to rise up together in faith and love as one glorious Body driven by the power of Jesus Himself. We are, you know. Jesus prayed that it would happen, and the Holy Spirit is already bringing it to pass. Satan would like to stop it, but he can't. It's far more powerful than he is--and it's going to blast a hole in his operation that's big enough to drive a train through. It's going to let the whole world know that Jesus truly is Lord!

Scripture Study: John 17:9-26.

Jesus is led and guided by the Holy Spirit

Bible Says: Mark 1:12
"Then the Spirit sent Jesus into the desert alone"
      From the beginning God created everything with in six days and seventh day he take rest. All are well known in the Bible "Genisis first chapter". Bible words says In ancient day, God spoke directly to adam, abraham , Issac, and so on. 
      Today's Holy Spirit is doing all the miracle. Do you have holy spirit in your life, without spritual life is running that life is totally waste. Many families dont have spritual. Today you & your family think where we are standing now, If you not have spritual in your personal life or family. In this moment turn to god ask him god recover my life. One beautiful word is there when ever you are praying alone within four wall "God will hear your prayer when "TRANSPARENCY MIND, HEART" before you & God. Then only he gives Holy Spirit. After received the Holy spirit some good & bad monemts happen ur life. I give you some key points. 
      In both good times and bad times. Just as Jesus goes to face temptation in the wilderness immediately after his baptism, we too find ourselves in powerful temptation struggles after a major spiritual experience, a depened spiritual commitment, or a special time of devotion. This does not mean the Holy Spirit has abandoned us. Instead, it means that the Spiritgoes with us to lead us through this time of trial, testing, andtemptation. The Spirit takes what Satan intended for our harm and turnsit into something that can strengthen our faith and mature us in our discipleship.


      Father, give me the courage to believe that your Holy Spirit leads andguides me. Help me believe that I am not alone -- not in the good timesor in the tough times when I feel abandoned. Use all the events in my life to mature me ever more into the character, compassion, andcommitment of Jesus, in whose name I pray. Amen.

God Promise: Haggai 2:19. From this day on I will Bless You.
Keep this verse in your mind and start a new life and see the diff before & after.

Where to find peace?

Where To find Peace? How to find peace?

Do u have problem in your family or work place. you are thinking like why am i live in this world. why all the problem comes me. Each and every persons life have same type of problem. Yor are also in the same manner. Don't worry my beloved Brother & sister one person heal you all your problem he will destroy you all your troubles, sorrow, disease. once he entered in your life what happen you know first he gives joy in your heart, peaceful mind, tremendous blessing and he give you whatever you lost in your life everything gives double the amount or double blessing. His name is jesus.


Bible Says: (John 16:33)

      "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world"

      We know that there is trouble in this world. We see it all around us.We hear of it all the time. We experience it in our own lives and inthe lives of those we love. There seems to be no place in this world where we can rest and be safe. Jesus said it, "In this world you willhave trouble." 
      Schools are filled with students and teachers who are having troubles with their families, with their jobs, with their schoolwork, and with each other. Children could once feel safe in school. Now, metaldetectors, security guards, and random searches give the impression ofsafety. Remember, Jesus said, "I have overcome the world." 
      Shopping centers have become places of caution. Ladies guard theirpurses. Children are always kept near. We regularly hear of purse-snatching, car-jacking, armed robberies, and senseless shootings inplaces where once we went about our business carefree and without reservation. Remember, Jesus said, "I have overcome the world." 
     Homes are troubled places. Husbands are restless and angry. Wives are discouraged and longing for attention. Husbands are tired and lonely. Wives have empty hearts and weary spirits. Children are longing forboundaries and love. Instead of being a safe haven from the world, ourhomes are often deadly battlegrounds. Remember, Jesus said, "I have overcome the world."

But, Jesus said ...   

      Churches are not immune. Battle lines are being drawn over tradition,style, technique, and opinion. Instead of places of refuge, churchesare too often places of turmoil and division while the lonely and weary come seeking peace and go away empty and disappointed. Remember, Jesus said, "I have overcome the world." War, Political conflict. Greed. Selfishness. Anger. Hatred. Rage. Lust.Death. Destruction. Sin. Remember, Jesus said, "I have overcome the world."

      There is trouble in the world. We know that. But, Jesus said, "I havetold you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this worldyou will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." This is the good news of the season. This is good news for all seasons.

      Jesus said, "I have overcome the world." Take heart. God bless you.


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