Friday, January 11, 2008


      Recently a leading neuro-surgeon discovered that the speech centre in the brain hastotal control over all other nerves. Though it is a new discovery in neurology this factwas written in the Bible thousands of years ago.
      St. James, the "divine neurologist," says, "The tongue is a little member, and boastethgreat things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth! And the tongue is a fire, aworld of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body,and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell… The tongue can noman tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison" (James 3:5-8). This amazing discovery made by James was but a supernatural revelation from God.
      It is estimated that every human being has about a hundred million neurons or nervecells in his body and that each neuron can contain about 5 billion (five thousandmillion) bits of information! Is it not wonderful (perhaps shocking to some of us) todiscover that our tongue virtually has total control over these hundred million neuronsin our body! Imagine having a hundred million faithful agents carry out the orders ofthe "big boss," Mr. Tongue all 24 hours of the day !
      Dear reader, if you will consider this blessed truth based on the Word of God, it canreally change your life. This truth ("a great discovery" for modern neurologists), isclearly stated even in the Old Testament; and mankind, as a whole, has been greatlybenefited by it. So be careful about the use of your tongue.
      If your tongue says, "I am very weak," immediately instruction from the Speech Centregoes to all the nerves: "Be prepared to be weak. We have orders from the Headquartersto become weak." Instantly your whole body feels a tendency to relax, to go to bed, etc.You don't seem to have energy to do any work.
      Similarly, when you say, "Mr. A is a very bad fellow," straightaway all your nerve cells(remember, there are about a hundred million), accept it as a fact and adjustthemselves to that. Afterwards, if someone tells you that Mr. A is a very good man, allyour nerves immediately get irritated and upset. On the other hand, in case you hearsomeone say, "Mr. A is a very bad man," you feel very happy and may say, "Yes, yes, Iknow it very well. You are right; I quite agree with you." Perhaps you do not realizethat all your nerve cells are so obedient to your tongue, that, even if others see athousand good things in that person, YOU CANNOT FIND ANY GOOD THING IN HIM. The simple reason is that you have already instructed your 100 million nervesaccordingly!
      Dear reader, OUR WORDS CAN BETRAY US OR BLESS US. "Thou art snared with thewords of thy mouth" (Prov 6:2). "Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment" (Matt 12:36). It has been rightly said, "The greatest point of danger in the world is the tip of the tongue." One saint says, "Thetongue is a fire; that is why the all-wise God placed it in the water in the mouth."
Taken from MORNING MANNA - Thoughts for Daily Devotion

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